We made it on time, spent 15 minutes with Dr. Jarret, and got a months worth of instruction.
I am to take Letrozol for 4 days, the give myself 3 injections of FSH, followed by an ultrasound, some sex, then an hcg injection and then prometrium.
Luckily for me, the letrozol is a pill, as is the prometrium, (although not taken in pill form), so I only have to give myself 3 injections. Also lucky is the fact that the pharmacy and our insurance happily paid for these things. That's the benefit. It was $40 for the two pill forms, (I have yet to fill the injectible.) which is our co-pay for non-generic drugs. Notre Dame does not cover infertility and so the insurance covering these things is always a shock.
Of course there are always cruddy parts, and those are few this time. I'm relieved. The injections, albeit a frightening thing to do to myself, are only 3 times. I believe I can do it. I don't really have a choice, so oh well. The prometrium is a progesterone supplement. It's normally taken by mouth, however not the case for me. I have to deposit them in a not so normal place. It's not a suppository per se, but very similar. Apparently this gets the progesterone straight to the uterus, and it cuts the side effects.
It was a good appointment. The only thing that bothered me was when Dr. Jarrett said: "If it doesn't work, then..." and went on to explain. It made me feel like it doesn't have a good possibility of working so there's a back up plan.
I see it more as, "this is the first thing we try, as I really like the way things are going thus far."
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