Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Welcome 2008

What a start it's been in 2008 for us. We started off our morning by welcoming over a foot of snow. And to top of our 12+ inches... it hasn't stopped snowing yet, and it's 2:00 in the afternoon. The other thing that welcomed us to 2008 was a chance to sleep in. We were amazed when at 9:00 there wasn't any noise coming from Ché's room. Ché normally gets up around 7:45/8:00. Now most of you seasoned parents would simply get up and check, but us being novices and only a year into this parenting thing, thought "Hey, we get to sleep in!" and promptly rolled over and fell back asleep. An hour later there was still very little noise, but the monitor proved he was indeed alive, and all, so we took a bit more time and then wandered in. Or, I wondered in. Now, you seasoned parents can start cackling, because what did we find? This: No, it's not snow. It's diaper fluff. The chemical inside disposable diapers that's responsible for sucking up all the liquid. You may be curious as to how this got all over Ché's room. Yea, keep laughing. In our amazement at Ché not being up, we didn't stop to think that he might be up to no good. Now, we're used to toys, blankets, and pillows being thrown out of the crib almost daily, but this, THIS was much different. Our beloved, well behaved, Ché had unzipped his pajamas (a common occurrence in our house), and unstuck the tabs on his diaper. Now, a normal kid would turn into a PooPooPicasso, but no, not ours. He didn't even touch that part of the diaper. He had to be an overachiever and find a different way to make a mess all over. For those of you that know Ché, he has incredible finger dexterity, and can do most things that require a lot of finger and hand control. So, he used that to his advantage and pulled the seam apart where the lining meets the diaper, and began to "de-stuff" the diaper. Keep laughing. He must've thought that this was really great, because there was diaper fluff everywhere. The floor, the sheets, the bed, the baby, everywhere. So, Mike vacuumed and tried to clean it up, while I took Ché for an emergency bath. In the end it was cleaned up, and everyone was great, but still we've learned our lesson. A quiet baby is a bored baby is a baby getting into trouble. After our adventure in diaper fluff, we went out side in the snow. We made snowballs and threw them at daddy who was trying to clear off the driveway, we tried to make a snowman, but the snow is too fluffy, and had a crazy good time falling in the piles. After the snow, we did the most logical thing and came in and drank hot chocolate out of the awesome mugs we got for Christmas! World Market seems to be one awfully cool place. Perfect size. Ché drank two sipper cups full of hot chocolate, cooled down of course, and very nicely kept asking for "moor pwease" It was a great morning.

1 comment:

AAWG said...

yey world market mugs! and yey to no poo-picassos! (i would take fluff over that any day)...